The mosaic creativity tells an important measure of the history of Tunisia and the genius of its people on Mralasor, we see the paintings, including exquisite in Tunisia Museums different, and in their original locations of archaeological, in accuracy and in Carthage in El Jem In Makthar In Sbeitla In kerkouane etc ... mosaic craft lives of its proceeds many Tunisian families, in addition to being represented horizon of prospects operating in Tunisia ... the metaphor used in the culture, customs and traditions and politics ... It is my opinion, in any case, a symbol of the diversity and wealth and riches ... and Okhov we mosaic, of Council mosaic is a constituent, but I can assure you that Vsevsaiaa represented the best of the predominance of political parties, and you model the predominance of political parties in American democracy, and because the mosaic ruled, necessarily in the end, consensus and harmony logic.
Not every stone welfare to be a part of the fabric of the mosaic ... The Tunisian people his intelligence and consciousness, and by nature and his sense and his taste is able to count, sort of solar modules with feasibility in carving lectured Tunisia our present and future bright ... in the hands of the Tunisian people, nearly 11 thousand stone, vying to enter into NCA combination, including Sievers 218 stone, Hoadd seats to be completed by the Panel of this Council. The screening criteria and selection at this historic moment should be accurate because we are in a period of not allowing us to where the mistake ... and standards pertinent and appropriate to the task, in my view, is efficient, and efficiency, and efficiency in taking responsibility for this stage, even riding this people spectacle wonderful and beloved pleased Agad enemy ... the Tunisian people, creative people who can bend everything to his service, even mosaics, which is capable to carve the model of democracy, stemming from the privacy ...
This election is the duty, the duty of every Tunisian performance, and best ... What is needed him to be at the level of its responsibilities towards its citizens and homeland, Venbz compartments Aalghemaih to the landfill of history, and fails greedy and Alcaidan at home and abroad ... and a great responsibility also towards his brothers Arabs who aspire to revolution and Istneron Bakbsaa ... and towards the free world who Obehrth this privacy blessed revolution, which is waiting for the picking ... and to the date on which surprised him the people of Tunisia a model of revolutions did not know the human, not the leadership which is not an ideology, and the world startle revolution neither of the East nor western, Tunisian revolution youth peacefully for dignity written down Mhamtha in letters of blood of martyrdom ... and I say: all goodness in the Sakhtarhm Tunisians to represent them in the Constituent Assembly, whatever their affiliation, nor Azaidn one on patriotism, some of them or all of them, from within the Council team or outside.
Munere veritus fierent cu sed, congue altera mea te, ex clita eripuit evertitur duo. Legendos tractatos honestatis ad mel. Legendos tractatos honestatis ad mel.
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